
SyncTree can use the API by configuring BizUnit in the block coding method.

This document describes how to create and manage APIs by creating a BizUnit with SyncTree.

▶BizUnit List


No. Function
1 This is the API method of BizUnit.
2 You can enter up to 3 decimal places with the version entered when creating the BizUnit.
3 It is linked to the revision( Revision (https://synctree-guide.notion.site/Revision-0e3e7c74055b4bbdba4766f53c9b88f5)) management detail page of the relevant BizUnit.

▶Create BizUnit


Function Explanation
Name Write a name for your BizUnit.
Description Write a description of your BizUnit.
Revision Name Write the revision name to be included within the BizUnit.
Version Enter the version of BizUnit.
Only numbers are allowed, and up to 3 decimal places can be entered.

Version creation example) 0 / 1.0 / 1.01 / 1.12 / 1.123 (O) 0. / 0.1.1 / 0.1234 / a.0 (X) |


1) Create Proxy