
This document describes detailed information about BizUnit and how it works.

▶Revision List


No. Function
1 Sort revisions by creation date and name.
2 Set the revision status to Active / Standby.
Active can only specify one at a maximum for each development environment, and push to the next step when it is active
3 It is classified as Not Complete / Complete depending on whether the Revision is Build or not.
4 The number of accounts that have shared the revision.
5 Revision status change button. (Active ⇆ Standby)
6 The button for Revision Push/Copy.
7 The button that moves to the Revision Console Logs page 제목 없음 (https://synctree-guide.notion.site/ca35fd17647942c385cc636e822d64af)
8 Edit, share, and delete with the Revision function button
9 Fold and unfold the Revision list for each development environment

▶Push / Copy between development environments of revision

<aside> 💡 SyncTree development environment configuration (→, ↑ : Push/ ↓ : Copy)

Dev(init) → Stage → Production ↑↓ ↑↓ Feature Hotfix (cf. Simultaneously pushed to Production and Dev)



▶Sharing Revision